Quality Grading Criteria

Quality Grading Criteria

Every piece of used clothing from the Original is being initially sorted and then graded in different quality grades according to a strict set of rules.

We’ve put all our experience and customers’ feedback to refine these quality grading criteria in order to deliver the constant quality level you need to develop your business.

The quality grade of each item is defined by the combination of the condition of the clothing, how fashionable and what brand it is.

Check out below, our definitions for the different quality grades we work with.


E (Extra Quality)

  • the clothes are in an excellent condition with almost no signs of wearing;
  • the garments are fashionable and considered to have been in trend in the last 3 years. Old fashioned clothes do not fall in Extra quality even if they are brand new;
  • clothing with low quality workmanship that was in the lower price range as brand new, do not fall in Extra Quality regardless of their condition.


1 (First Quality)

  • the clothes are in a very good condition with slight signs of wearing;
  • the garments are fashionable and considered to have been in trend in the last 5 years. Way too old fashioned clothes do not fall in First Quality even if they are brand new;
  • clothing with low quality workmanship that was in the lower price range as brand new, fall into First Quality only if they are in an excellent condition;
  • clothes with easily removable dirt or minor defects might also fall into First Quality.


A (Second Quality)

  • the clothing has apparent signs of wearing;
  • the trend of the model is irrelevant. Nevertheless, way too old fashioned clothes in condition below the average standard for Second Quality are not included;
  • second quality could also include clothes with repairable defects as well as dirty clothes with stubborn stains that can still be cleaned. Torn clothing or garments with paint or other non-removable stains are left out of Second Quality.


B (Third Quality)

  • the clothes are worn out but fit for use;
  • the clothing could be dirty, deformed or having defects. Nevertheless, apparel with significant and non-removable defects or soiling are not allowed, as well as very worn out products;
  • the trend of the model is irrelevant.